Baptism & Confirmation
Christian Rites of Initiation
The start of Ministry and Belonging
Baptism is a profound and sacred sacrament that signifies a personal commitment and an entry into the rich tapestry of Christian tradition. Rooted in the transformative power of water, this sacrament holds a mirror to the soul, cleansing and renewing in the embrace of divine grace. Baptism fosters a sense of belonging that echoes through generations.
In the Anglican tradition, Baptism is a celebration of community, a testament to the shared journey of faith. It is an invitation to all with open arms in a sacred ritual where ancient traditions meet contemporary inclusivity.
Infant or adult baptism?
In the Anglican tradition, we welcome both individuals seeking to make a commitment for themselves or families eager to welcome a new member into the Christian fold.
For infants, the child's parents and (if you choose) godparents must be prepared to answer on the child's behalf. That is, they make the same statements of faith and commitments to live a Christian life that they would make if they were being baptised themselves. Later in life, when the child has reached a point when they can answer for themselves, Confirmation becomes their own rite of initiation.
Baptism candidates who have reached their teen years make their statements of faith and commitment alongside their sponsors. Adults need only make their commitments themselves.
To join us in this timeless expression of faith, love, and the enduring promise of renewal, talk to Rev Glen at one of our services, by phone or by using our contact form.
I've been baptised in another church or denomination.
As long as you have been baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with water (full immersion or splashing), your baptism is recognised by the Anglican church. You may want to consider being Received into the Anglican Church, which is a rite that recognises your prior Baptism and welcomes you formally into the Anglican fold.
A Journey of Maturing Spirituality
Confirmation is an important sacrament in our faith tradition and serves as a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of individuals.. Rooted in ancient rituals, this solemn rite, which a bishop conducts, involves the laying on of hands, anointing with sacred oil, and heartfelt prayers. Its essence lies in the profound affirmation of one's commitment to the Christian faith, building upon the foundation laid during Baptism.
Candidates, having undergone a period of instruction and reflection, embark on this significant step towards spiritual maturity. The service's atmosphere is reverent and connected, as the Church community gathers to witness and support those confirming their faith. Through the imparting of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Confirmation symbolizes a personal empowerment, fostering a deeper relationship with God and a strengthened bond within the broader Christian fellowship. It is a moment of reflection, continuity, and a sincere embrace of the rich heritage that defines our Anglican community.
At St Aidan's, Confirmation requires the candidates to commit spiritually for themselves. This is particularly important for children as this rite is meant to be their own decision when they have been baptised as infants. If you would like to inquire about baptism for your child or young person, please contact Rev Glen.
More Information
These pages may be of assistance to you if you are exploring Baptism or Confirmation.